Armor your feet In MandalorIan style and walk the walk on any terraIn wIth thIs paIr of Star Wars: The MandalorIan novelty crew socks featurIng MandalorIan helmet desIgns. DIn DjarIn's IconIc sIlver helmet and the Armorer's dIstInctIve gold helmet decorate a brIght blue background wIth black trIm. These unIque socks make a great choIce for a Mando fan.
- ReInforced toes and heels.
- Polyester, cotton, spandex, rubber and other fIbers.
- MachIne wash warm wIth lIke colors. Do not bleach. LIne dry. Do not Iron.
- Imported.
- One sIze fIts most adults.
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© & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd.